Dear friend, I have something special I'd love to share with you!
If you are a follower of Fearless, maybe you've already heard of the fun updates and release of our new name and logo, but there is more! I don't want you to just cope with anxiety, I want you to thrive!
Our team is so excited to have a new platform to continue to do ministry; you can find all of our programs and resources at fearlessunite.com.
But wait, while that piece is super exciting, it's not all I wanted to share because alongside updates at Fearless, I have some new exciting things coming up!
Sharing my anxiety tips with you has been beyond fulfilling to my heart. I truly cherish all the replies and conversations they have sparked. When God called me to start sharing my journey after my nervous breakdown in 2011, it felt like an isolating place to start. Yet as these years have passed and I've watched the Fearless community and this personal community of fear fighters grow, I see the purpose in sharing these difficult moments.
That is why I don't want to stop any time soon. In fact, I have some all-new projects in the works and want to provide a bigger and better space to equip you to overcome fear and anxiety! This is why I'm excited to announce the launch of my first website!
Christyboulware.com is not only the place you can go to read my weekly anxiety tips, but it's a perfect place to connect with me! You can find more information on my speaking, collaboration ideas, and even my upcoming book releasing next spring!! Most importantly, this is a space where you can learn more about my personal journey and how my heart flows.
My prayer is that my pain turned purpose will be a blessing in your life and help you take the necessary steps to freedom from fear in Christ!
I hope you're as pumped as I am! So let's have some fun! I'm sending you on a scavenger hunt! Scroll through both of our new sites and reply to tell me what your favorite piece of each website is. Everyone who responds will be entered to win one of our brand new Fearless shirts! You have until Monday the 30th at midnight to enter. A winner will be randomly chosen and announced next Tuesday in my upcoming post!
Thank you to every one of you, whether you are subscribed to my emails, texts, or just happened to stumble upon this post. With your support, encouragement, and strength from the Lord, I can continue with God's mission for my life.
Much love to you all,