How many times have you said "I can't focus?"
More times than you can count, I would suspect.
I had something cool happen this week that I wanted to share with you. But I think I will do better sharing via video. So check this out.
When I am distracted, I'm crabby, and I often get uptight and anxious.
What if distractions are robbing you of peace?
Here are three things you can do today to help stop distractions in your life.
Only say yes to what you feel called to do, not guilted into doing. This tip should hopefully give more margin back into your life. Time is our most treasured resource, and you should protect it.
Take breaks from technology. Start by putting your phone away during meals. Then grow to more times throughout the day where you go phoneless.
Check-in with God before you check in with the world. (social media, emails, children, husband, family)
See if protecting yourself from distractions brings more peace to your life. Go ahead and try it! Then let me know how it goes.
Important! Two things!
As of yesterday, Fearless still has a few partial scholarships for our Rescue Retreat coming up SEPTEMBER 9TH - 11TH, 2022, BRANSON, MO.
If you wanted to apply, but money stopped you, please apply now. Our team will review the applications and contact you via email if you are chosen based on available funding.
Apply here:
Second, if you have a generous heart and see how impactful this retreat could be for someone and want to give, you can do so by clicking here:
Lastly, if you enjoy this content, please share with a friend.
Much love to you all,